My SAS Tutorials

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Symphony Teleca SAS Interviews Questions

1.      What if you write _NULL_ in DATA Step as DATA  _NULL_  ?
2.      What is the difference between FORMAT and INFORMAT ?
3.      Difference between NODUPKEY and DUPOUT and there uses ?
4.      What is the use of PROC FREQ ?
5.      What is the difference  between PROC MEANS and PROC SUMMARY ?
6.      What is PROC TRANSPOSE ?
7.      What is the difference between IF and WHERE ?
8.      Dataset one having one variable X and we need the output as variable Y (Accumulating Total)
X                            Y
1                            1
2                            3
3                            6
4                            10
5                            15
6                            21
7                            28

9.      Different type of ODS ?
10.   Difference between PROC REPORT and PROC TABULATE ?
11.   MERGE dataset  Left join Right and MERGE Statement.
12.   Explain SQL LEFT and RIGHT JOIN.
13.   Difference between Positional and Keyword parameter.
14.   In how many ways we can create MACRO Variable.
15.   Difference between INPUT and PUT Function ?
16.   Difference between INPUT and PUT statement ?
17.   Explain Functions : SUBSTR() , SCAN() INTCK() and INTNK().
18.   Explain Numeric functions : INT(), CEIL() and FLOOR().

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