My SAS Tutorials

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

GSK Interview questions

Interview Questions asked By GSK:
1)      Tell me something about yourself?
2)      How to read excel worksheet in SAS?
3)      How to merge two data sets? What are the methods available for many to many merge?
4)      What is difference between appending and concatenating?
5)      What is interleaving?
6)      What to do for std. deviation so that it can appear in listing report?
7)      What is difference between proc means and proc summary?
8)      How we can create macro variable?
9)      When we can use call symputx and why?
10)  Mention the macro functions?
11)  Describe Clinical trial definitions.
12)  Definition of safety.
13)  What is mechanism of action for Peracetamol?
14)  What did you studied in Pharmacy?
15)  What is training period and from where you study? (in terms of SAS)
16)  What is your course content? (in terms of SAS).
17)  What is used of output statement?
18)  How to read raw data files?
19)  How to find STD error?
20)  Types of Merge?
21)  Proc means procedure-detail
22)  How to create macro in auto-call library
23)  % include statement-detail
24)  Define macro variable
25)  Proc report about ID statement
26)  ID statement in proc Transpose
27)  Rename= option
28)  Data statement options at least any 3 options.
29)  College percentage and H.S.C. percentage
30)  LOCF, Proc Transpose, and Proc Univariate.
31)  Proc report – Ideal Design
32)  Append and set difference
33)  Set and Merge Difference
34)  Macro: How will you create macro with example
35)  Define different functions which can accomplish with proc sql.
36)  On which project you have worked?
37)  Definitions of Protocol, Adverse Event, Concomitant Medicine, Phases of Clinical Trial and SAP.
38)  Categorical and continuous data and derived data sets (related to Project)
39)  Flow option in proc report
40)  Statistical background than also want to be programmer? Why?
41)  Statistician or programmer, which will you prefer?
42)  If you have opportunity to learn statistics, what will you do?
43)  More detail questions related to background of student.

Now prepare your Base SAS and Advance SAS Certification Exams with Online Mock tests:

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Sankhyana Consultancy Services

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